Friday, May 11, 2012

R3P3D2 Thanks TOM

Round 3 Phase 3 Day 2
Starting Weight on 03/26/2012: 174.8
Yesterday's Wt: 159.2
Today's Wt: 160.2
Today's LOSS/GAIN: +1.0
R3 Total Loss to Date: -14.6lbs

Finally, TOM reared his ugly head this morning but couldn't do it first thing, no!! Had to wait till I was walking out the door while I was running late for work, of course.  Work was pretty boring but I ate my steak around 7am.  Later another department was having their payday party, so they had brisket, pasta salad and chile con queso with cupcakes for dessert.  I was allowed to have some brisket so I poured the cheese over it.  I did try the pasta salad and it was delish!! So far today has been a bad day for P3, it started out great but it has gone downhill since I got home.  I'll explain tomorrow.

I went to Albertson's on my way home from work.  I'm trying to stock up on the potato chips they have on sale since I have coupons.  I thought my coupons were going to expire tomorrow but upon further review, they don't expire until the 19th which is next Saturday, so hopefully I'll be able to use up all the coupons by next week and have a good stockpile for our annual BBQ.

Yesterday after enjoying that glorious meal I made, I cooked up some steak in the same lard and butter, so I could have something to eat this morning, good planning on my part.  I had taken out some chicken thighs for today but so far I haven't decided what or how to make them.  I'm really sleepy.  I went to bed last night at 9pm and didn't wake till my alarm went off.  When it went off, I was questioning myself what the noise was, it was the alarm.  I hadn't taken a nap yesterday so I was beat.  Luckily I finished all my chores and even pulled weeds from the front and back yards thanks to all the rain we had.  The rain had softened the soil so the weeks came out with very little effort on my part.  Okay, I'm going to stop typing now because it has taken me well over an hour just to type this nonsense.  I can't type correctly nor get my thoughts straight, thanks TOM!!